Dr. Roderick Garcia is an Albuquerque Family and Cosmetic Dentist. Dr. Garcia has provided a full range of quality dental services for his patients for over 35 years. Crowns are one of the many dental procedures offered in Dr. Garcia's practice.

Crowns are used to restore a tooth or teeth that have lost most of the tooth structure due to decay, breaks in large fillings, fractured teeth, and teeth that have had root canals. Crowns can also be used in cosmetic dental reconstruction to align crooked and crowded teeth.

Crowns are made of several different types of materials. The type of material needed will be determined by the position of the tooth front or back of the mouth and the cosmetic result required. The crown material can be porcelain, ceramic, zirconia, gold or gold and porcelain, or ceramic with porcelain, Strength of the material for the crown is always considered as posterior teeth will always need the strongest material available. Crowns properly designed and placed can last for many years.

For more information on how a crown can help you, contact Roderick Garcia DMD at 505-821-6119 and visit the website www.roderickgarciadmd.com

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Dr. Garcia

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Dr. Garcia

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